
    The Edison Awards Gala, April 11, New York

  • 11 April 2018
  • Event Location : TBA, New York City, NY, United States
The Edison Awards
Event Description

The Edison Achievement Award recognizes global, innovative leaders' contributions to and positive influences on existing, new, and emerging markets. These individuals serve as an inspiration to future business leaders and innovators.

Each year, over 150 companies from all over the world are honored with an Edison Award, including Fortune 500 companies, small start-ups, and everything in between.

Since 1987, the Edison Awards™ have recognized and honored some of the most innovative new products, services and business leaders in the world.

The Edison Best New Product Awards is an annual competition honoring excellence in new product and service development, marketing, human-centered design, and innovation. The competition is open to innovative organizations across the globe.

  • Event type
    • Annual Meeting/Event

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