Green Building Community
The Reasons Why the Museum of Tomorrow has a LEED-certified Gold Seal
Posted by: Suelen Ribeiro // Architect/ LEED GA

Designed by the architect Santiago Calatrava, the Museum of Tomorrow is located in the Pier de Mauá, the port area of the city of Rio de Janeiro. It is the first Brazilian museum to receive the LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) Green Building Consul Brazil. With 15 thousand square meters the project has a bold design required a complex and high-technology work, but this did not create barriers to sustainability, it favored the development of sustainable technologies. The factors that made the museum worthy of its title were: rational use of water, sustainable spaces, quality of the building's internal environments, innovation, meeting local needs, energy efficiency, reduction and reuse of materials and resources. In terms of the rational use of water, the building reuses water from sinks, washbasins, showers and rain for non-potable purposes. As well as using water from Guanabara Bay to supply its water mirror, which helps cooling the interior environment and also the air conditioner and then goes through a filtering process and is returned to the sea. In term of energy use, the building benefits from natural light, using voltaic panels in its metallic cover with a mobility of a wing that allow the voltaic panels to follow the positioning of the sun. The materials were used regional materials that reduce the environmental impact, since they are already materials adapted to the climate and also were reused material during the period of construction. To read more:
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