Green Building Community
Top Recommendations - How Can We Improve Single Stream Recycling?
Posted by: AbbieKnight

Top Recommendations - How Can We Improve Single Stream Recycling?
At the recent WasteWise Forum held at E.L. Harvey’s materials recovery facility (MRF) in Westborough Massachusetts, 6 experts presented their efforts to improve the quality of single stream recycling, as well as, successfully diverting source separated materials.
Presenters included:
- Ben Harvey, E. L. Harvey
- Brooke Nash, Massachusetts Deepartment of Environmental Protection
- Suzanne Wood, UMass Medical School
- Karen Franczyk, Whole Foods Market North Atlantic Region
- John Lively, Preserve Products
- Roger Beliveau, Stop & Shop
The presenters reviewed their efforts and experiences in improving single stream recycling and improving the diversion of source separated materials. 5 Key highlights included:
- Keeping contaminants out of the recycling bin. Top challenges include plastic bags, shrink wrap, “Tanglers,” food and liquid waste, and textiles. (Who is trying to recycle textiles?!)
- Working closely with waste and recycling service providers
- Developing clear communication and signage, and training staff well
- Sourcing separate other recyclable materials
- Continually reevaluating recycling programs
For more details:
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