
    Free Webinar: Transitioning from Heating Oil to Heat Pumps, April 24, 12 pm ET

  • 24 April 2025
  • Start time : 12:00 PM
  • End time : 12:00 AM
  • Event Host : Green Energy Consumers Alliance
Transitioning from Heating Oil to Heat Pumps
Event Description

Replacing faulty heating equipment (including your oil tank) is not something you want to put off planning for until an emergency in the middle of winter. This webinar will help you think ahead and save money with Mass Save and other energy efficiency incentives.

Whether you’re a renter, landlord, or a single-family homeowner, it’s worth considering if a super-efficient electric heat pump might be a good alternative compared to buying a new heating oil burner (or an oil tank). Heat pumps come in a variety of styles and configurations, and Mass Save offers big incentives to upgrade from oil to heat pumps.

Join this webinar to learn how heat pumps compare to oil heat, and about the Mass Save incentives available to help you switch to clean heating and create a more energy-efficient and comfortable residence.

This webinar is open to everyone and will include information for landlords, renters, and low- to moderate-income households who currently use oil for heating. Learn about the financial incentives, resources, and steps you can take to reduce your energy costs, emissions, and improve the efficiency of your home.

Hosted by Green Energy Consumers Alliance, this webinar focuses in part on Massachusetts incentives, but much of the information about transitioning from oil and replacing key equipment should be widely applicaable. 

Image - US Department of Energy 

  • Host Company/Organization Name
    • Green Energy Consumers Alliance
  • Cost
    • FREE Event
  • Event type
    • Online/Webinar

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