
    Transmission Infrastructure US, Washington, D.C., August 8-9

  • 8 August 2022 To 9 August 2022
  • Event Host : Global Transmission Report
  • Event Location : JW Marriott, 1331 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington D.C., DC, United States
Green Energy Improvements - Transmission
Event Description

The electric transmission infrastructure is back in the spotlight. The federal government’s recent legislation and funding support to modernize electricity grids, reduce congestion, and fast-track permitting will help expand clean energy infrastructure. Expansion of the transmission infrastructure will be a catalyst for integrating more renewable resources and thus accelerate the energy transition.

Global Transmission Report is organizing its 2nd annual conference on Transmission Infrastructure US on August 8-9, 2022 at JW Marriott Washington, D.C. The objective of the conference is to review the policies, present opportunities, and evaluate technologies and financing options for advancing the build-out of the needed transmission infrastructure in the US.

The conference will bring together policymakers, regulators, utilities, investors, and technology providers to discuss the challenges and propose solutions for building a low-carbon, modern and resilient electric grid in the US. It will present network plans of leading utilities and priorities and perspectives of RTOs/ISOs. The conference will also highlight the experience with competitive bidding and evaluate options to meet the massive funding requirements. It will also feature the latest innovations, next-generation technologies, and digital solutions for building a smart grid.

The event will provide an opportunity to engage in the much-needed strategic and technical conversations with thought leaders and change agents across the value chain of the electric transmission industry in the US.

  • Host Company/Organization Name
    • Global Transmission Report
  • Event type
    • Conference

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