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Turning Vision into Reality at the Etna Center for Community (ECO), in Etna, Pennsylvania, April 9, 9-10:30 am ET
Event Description
In 2017, former Etna Borough Councilwoman Megan Tuñón and her husband held the historic Ochse Building on the 341-343 block of Butler Street under conservatorship until the Etna Community Organization (ECO) could purchase the property and bring the community’s vision for the Etna Center for Community into reality.
With the receipt of a $500,000 Multipurpose Community Facilities Program grant, construction of the project is well underway and is poised to open in December 2025.
The Etna Center for Community is a mixed-use redevelopment of a historic building in the heart of Etna’s business district. When complete, it will provide the community’s only indoor public space, enabling community members to come together to learn, grow, and thrive. The project will include accessible design, a solar installation, and community courtyard with stormwater management features, fulfilling a number of Etna’s EcoDistrict commitments.
Join Green Building Alliance, Councilwoman Megan Tuñón, and ECO Board Secretary Veni Mittal, to learn about the project, why it is so important to the Borough’s future, and plans to deploy sustainability and design to serve the Etna Community.
Learning Objectives:
Executive Director, Etna Community Organization
As Executive Director of the Etna Community Organization, Megan is responsible for stewarding the Etna EcoDistrict Plan, an award-winning plan for community development that was created with residents and is rooted in sustainability, resilience, and equity. The Etna Community Organization (ECO) has developed green infrastructure projects and provides educational and needs-based programs.
Veni Mittal, LEED GA, EcoDistrict AP
Board Secretary, Etna Community Organization
Veni is a sustainability professional, Global Senior Sustainability Analyst for JL, and Board Secretary of the Etna Community Organization. She is dedicated to building a more vibrant and sustainable future where everyone has the opportunity to thrive and lead healthy, fulfilling lives. Through her academic and professional experiences in both private and non-profit sectors, she has developed a comprehensive understanding and well-rounded skill set that enables her to work through the complex challenges associated with transitioning to a sustainable and circular economy.
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