Green Building Community
Upcycling - Innovative submissions welcome
Posted by: StacySinclair // Technical writer

In case you were unable to attend Metro’s Upcycle Web Forum on Thursday, August 13th, the event recording and resources mentioned in the Forum are available at
Once you have seen some of our waste diversion efforts and materials that could be available for repurposing at Metro, we hope this generates ideas you think we should pursue. Your ideas are critical to helping reimagine a sustainable and resilient future for Metro and LA County.
Through our Request for Innovation Submissions we are looking for ideas, technologies and innovations that could help Metro reduce waste, save money and create new partnerships with local business.
To access the submission guidelines, visit:
To find more Upcycling resources, including waste materials, waste characterization information, innovation submission process and frequently asked questions, visit our Upcycling webpage.
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