
    Webinar: Health In the Built Environment: Transit, Mobility & Public Health, August 6, 9-10:30 am ET

  • 6 August 2024
  • Start time : 09:00 AM
  • End time : 10:30 AM
  • Event Host : Green Building Alliance
GBA Webinar: Health In the Built Environment: Transit, Mobility & Public Health, August 6
Event Description

Access to reliable transportation is critical to economic mobility and to public health and wellbeing. In Pittsburgh, a quarter of households do not have access to a car, and according to a recent study by the CDC, 5.7% of American adults don't have access to reliable transportation of any kind.  This has specific impacts on access to healthcare, food, nutrition, education, and employment. 

This region has made great progress in making transit more accessible, including the recent launch of Allegheny Go, providing 50% discount on PRT fares to SNAP recipients.  The city's POGOH e-bike program now includes new models adapted to various abilities, and our trails system is growing. 

There is still much more to be done to transform our streets, sidewalks, and roadways to make walking and biking more comfortable, safe, and convenient.  Join GBA for the latest installment of Health in the Built Environment as we explore the potential strategies for reducing dependency on cars, reducing air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions, and increasing physical activity while improving citizens' overall quality of life. 

  • Host Company/Organization Name
    • Green Building Alliance
  • Speakers / Presenters
    • Megan Weil Latshaw, PhD, MHS

      Megan is the Director of the Master’s Degree Programs in the Department of Environmental Health and Engineering at the Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health. As faculty at Hopkins, her efforts focus on designing healthy communities, connecting environmental health research with the real world, and improving environmental health surveillance (all through a justice and equity lens). Dr. Weil Latshaw will discuss transit equity and environmental health, focusing on her work with the Baltimore Transit Equity Coalition.

      Seth Bush, BikePGH

      Seth is the Advocacy Manager at BikePGH where he supports neighborhood groups to advocate for safe, accessible, and enjoyable car-free transportation options via infrastructure and public policy. He is a Professional Certified Coach and trainer for social change leaders with over 15 years of experience in grassroots organizing for environmental justice, climate action, and active transportation in Pittsburgh, Baltimore, and Greater Philadelphia.

      Erin Potts – Bike Share Pittsburgh

      Erin is the Director of Marketing & Community Outreach at Bike Share Pittsburgh, the 501c3 nonprofit organization that owns and operates Pittsburgh’s bikeshare program: POGOH. Erin is dedicated to working with Pittsburgh communities to create an equitable system of transportation and recreation for everyone. She believes in the power of bikes to bring people together, spread joy, and build better cities.
  • Cost
    • $10 GBA Member
      $15 Non Member
  • Event type
    • Online/Webinar

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