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Women of Carbon: Documentary Screening & Panel, March 19, 5-8 pm, Cambridge, Massachusetts
Event Description
The Engine and Carbon Leadership Forum Boston/Northeast Hub are thrilled to co-host Boston's first public screening of Women of Carbon, a compelling documentary highlighting the women decarbonizing the construction industry to combat climate change. Watch the trailer here:
Directed by Basia and Leonard Myszynski, Women of Carbon explores the groundbreaking work of female leaders decarbonizing the built environment—driving material innovations, improving human health, and unlocking new economic opportunities.
Leah Ellis, CEO and Co-Founder of Sublime Systems
Nicole St. Clair Knobloch, Co-founder of Fort Point Timber
Kari Hewitt, Lecturer, Tufts University, Urban and Environmental Policy and Planning Dept.
Meghan Shaw, Cambridge Energy Alliance Outreach Director
Moderated by bestselling geospatial author and data analyst Bonny McClain, the conversation will delve into the future of low-carbon construction and the innovations shaping the industry.
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