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Green Janitorial Discussions

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Free Green Building Webinar: Sustainable + Contemporary Commercial Restroom Materials, April 7, 12 pm EDT

Healthy Building Materials,Facilities Management,Eco Friendly Restrooms

by samanthaklein Intern

When designing a restroom or other space, professionals are often faced with the challenge of selecting materials that function, appeal to the senses, and contribute to green building initiatives. This course will explore various material o… more...

  Filed under: Green Janitorial

0 replies | 875 views | Posted on: 03/19/2022 | Last updated: 03/19/2022

GreenCE Webinar: Designing Touchless Solutions in Commercial Restrooms, November 9, 12 pm EST

Facilities Management,Commercial Restrooms,Hygiene, Health, and Wellbeing

by samanthaklein Intern

How can commercial restroom design reduce touchpoints, promote proper hand hygiene, and reduce the spread of infection? This course explores this timely question. Attendees will first hear an overview of hygienic restroom design, learning a… more...

  Filed under: Green Janitorial

0 replies | 1168 views | Posted on: 10/15/2021 | Last updated: 10/18/2021

FREE Webinar: Green Cleaning Your Home, January 13, 10 am EST

Healthy Housing,Green Cleaning

by samanthaklein Intern

Have you ever thought about all the different cleaning products you use in your home? This class will explore using inexpensive common household products that are effective and safe for our environment and your health.  more...

  Filed under: Green Janitorial

0 replies | 1261 views | Posted on: 12/31/2020 | Last updated: 12/31/2020

What green cleaning products do you use in your house?

Green Cleaning

by SawHorse, Inc.

The CDC came out with a report for 2020 Q1 showing that poison control calls were uo by 20% for cleaners and dissinfectants.  We all know that bleach can kill about anything including us.  With COVID19 out there still I can imagin… more...

  Filed under: Green Janitorial

0 replies | 857 views | Posted on: 06/17/2020 | Last updated: 02/04/2023

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