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TinyFest NorthWest 2019 August 17-18, Rickreall, OR

Tiny Houses

by Gina Pryciak Student

Come celebrate tiny living at TinyFest NorthWest! Explore a variety of tiny houses from pro-builders and DIYers. Tour tiny houses on wheels, backyard cottages, shipping container homes, vans, bus conversions and more! Enjoy the Marketplace,… more...

0 replies | 1038 views | Posted on: 07/17/2019 | Last updated: 07/17/2019

University of Baltimore Robert L. Bogomolny Library Tour: August 22, Baltimore, MD

by AidanAnthony Intern

This course is expected to be approved for 1 GBCI general and 1 AIA CEU. We will be touring the University of Baltimore Robert L. Bogomolny, which has recently completed a major renovation. We will be learning about the architectural and… more...

0 replies | 1005 views | Posted on: 07/11/2019 | Last updated: 07/11/2019

GPRO Operations and Maintenance Class, August 15, 16, and 22, North Haven, CT

by AidanAnthony Intern

This three-day course provides building professionals with the critical tools to transition from conventional to sustainable operations and maintenance of commercial building and multifamily buildings. In addition to GPRO Certification topi… more...

0 replies | 1233 views | Posted on: 07/11/2019 | Last updated: 07/18/2019

Michigan Agriculture and Environmental Education Workshop for Educators MONDAY, AUGUST 5, 2019 Novi, MI

by AidanAnthony Intern

This workshop is provided for formal K–12 educators and non-formal educators (e.g., nature center staff, 4H and scout leaders, and other outdoor educators) and will feature plenary sessions and two concurrent tracks -- Agriculture and… more...

0 replies | 941 views | Posted on: 07/05/2019 | Last updated: 07/05/2019

aashe Webinar: Exciting and Effective Community – Higher Education Collaborations, August 14

by AidanAnthony Intern

Universities are looking for new ways to benefit their local communities. Communities are looking for smart solutions to constantly changing problems. Both strive to become more resilient, sustainable, and attractive to future generations. … more...

0 replies | 1720 views | Posted on: 06/30/2019 | Last updated: 07/07/2019

Interactive Workshop on LEED v4.1 BD+C, ID+C and O+M, August 8, Minneapolis, MN

by AidanAnthony Intern

This workshop will provide participants with a look into LEED v4.1 BD+C, ID+C, O+M and the information needed to pursue certification. The focus will be on understanding the goals and outcomes of the LEED v4.1 beta. The newest update to the… more...

0 replies | 1097 views | Posted on: 06/30/2019 | Last updated: 06/30/2019

Explore Detroit: Urban Agriculture + Green Space Bus Tour, August 17, Detroit, MI 12pm-3pm

by AidanAnthony Intern

Detroit is home to approximately 1,700 urban farms, each innovative and unique in it's own way. On this tour we will explore these sustainable green spaces and hear from the incredibly dedicated Detroiters who work hard to use their spa… more...

0 replies | 1169 views | Posted on: 06/26/2019 | Last updated: 06/26/2019

NextGen Homes Construction Tour, August 15, Chattanooga, TN 12pm-1pm

by AidanAnthony Intern

Join green|spaces for the next construction tour at the NextGen Homes. This tour will feature green infrastructure and foundation. The goal of this project is to educate builders, designers, students and general public on the innovative des… more...

0 replies | 1271 views | Posted on: 06/26/2019 | Last updated: 06/26/2019

Composting & Green Buildings: A Natural Fit, August 13, Charlottesville, VA

by AidanAnthony Intern

Did you know that almost a third of the solid waste stream can be recycled through composting? This presentation will give an overview of composting and why it is important. We'll review what can be composted and best practices for impl… more...

0 replies | 721 views | Posted on: 06/23/2019 | Last updated: 06/23/2019

2019 Workshop: Better Buildings, Stronger Communities, June 26, Austin, TX

Texas Green Building,Sustainable City Policy

by AbbieKnight

The event, hosted by U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) and USGBC Texas, will convene local city officials and staff, along with community stakeholders, to inspire, shape, and plan next steps in sustainable city policy. Experts and practit… more...

0 replies | 812 views | Posted on: 06/19/2019 | Last updated: 06/19/2019

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