Green Building Community
Rate It Green’s Community is a gathering place for connecting and sharing green building information and experiences. Add your thoughts and questions to our discussions, or create or join a group that interests you. With your participation, we can create a powerful resource and connect green builders across the globe.
USGBC-LA turns 15
This week, USGBC-LA is celebrating 15 years. So, it’s a teenager. And like most teens, we can still remember its birth, we see much hope for the future, and in the present, there can be a lot going on and the choices made can set the path… more...

0 replies | 992 views | Posted on: 07/13/2017 | Last updated: 07/13/2017
Timberland walks the extra mile to end plastic waste
Footwear manufacturer Timberland is walking a mile in the shoes of people whose lives are affected by trash pollution — at least, the "first mile" — through its partnership with B Corporation, Thread International. Thread transforms … more...

0 replies | 7806 views | Posted on: 03/02/2017 | Last updated: 03/02/2017
Report Shows California's Push for Clean Energy is on the Right Path
The California Green Innovation Index has come out with a report that supplies outstanding statistics to support California's progress on its renewable energy goals. The report examined California's energy production, clean patents/investme… more...

0 replies | 2658 views | Posted on: 07/04/2016 | Last updated: 07/04/2016
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The opinions, comments, ratings and all content posted by member on the Rate It Green website are the comments and opinions of the individual members who posts them only and do not necessarily reflect the views or policies or policies of Rate It Green. Rate It Green Team Members will monitor posted content for unsuitable content, but we also ask for the participation of community members in helping to keep the site a comfortable and open public forum of ideas. Please email all questions and concerns to