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Rekortan G13
Rekortan G13
Brand Name: Rekortan
Categories: Athletic Flooring Athletic Flooring - Hide
PO Box 160
United States
product information
Description: Rekortan G-13 is a dual durometer, 13mm, impermeable full pour system. The first layer consists of a self-leveling PU made from environmentally friendly, renewable resources. The top layer is a fluid applied topcoat, embedded with a dense matrix of EPDM rubber granules.
Environmental Statement: Featuring APT’s unique green layer, based on 70% renewable polyurethane, resulting in a total of 88% renewable/recyclable content
APT Advanced Polymer Technology Corp
Address: PO Box 160, Harmony, PA 16037, United States Website: http://www.advpolytech.comCertifications/ Awards
- MR Prerequisite 1 - Storage and Collection of Recyclables
- MR Credit 4 - Recycled Content
- MR Credit 5 - Local/Regional Materials
- IAAF Certified