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CES Smart Distribution Panel
CES Smart Distribution Panel
Brand Name: CSDP
Categories: HVAC/Energy Management Controls HVAC/Energy Management Controls - Hide
5 Arie Regev St
product information
Description: Finally: Circuit breakers with Smart Switches packaged with an integrated electricity management panel. The CES Smart Distribution Panel combines advanced site energy management; flexible & verifiable Demand Response; and Smart Metering capabilities, all in one box.
Environmental Statement: Installing 400,000 Smart Panels can shave approximately 1000 Megawatt from peak demand. This is equivalent to a 1000 mw power plant : A lot of pollution and some 2-3 Billion Dollar investment can be saved! In addition - phase balancing can substantially reduce non Ionized radiation emitted from the last-mile transformers.
Address: 5 Arie Regev St, Netanya, 42504, Israel Website: http://www.c-e-systems.comCertifications/ Awards