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CASPR Pro 5000

CASPR Pro 5000
Brand Name: CASPR Group
Categories: Disinfectants Disinfectants - Hide
3100 Monticello Ave Suite 310
United States
product information
Description: The CASPR 5000 integrates into the HVAC system to convert natural moisture into oxidation molecules without creating any ozone. This system, when properly configured, is proven to kill 99.96% of bacteria, viruses, and mold in the air and on surfaces. It is low maintenance and requires no operator interaction.
Environmental Statement: This is environmentally friendly because it does not produce any ozone as many similar products do and it also is effective at helping stop the spread of dangerous bacteria and viruses naturally without the addition of toxic chemicals.
Clean Surface
Address: 3535 Peachtree Rd NE Suite 320, Atlanta, GA 30326, United StatesCertifications/ Awards