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Vapor Guardian 5500
Vapor Guardian 5500
Brand Name: Vapor Dynamics
Categories: Energy Management - Other Energy Management - Other - Hide
148 Route 94 P.O. Box 688
New Jersey
United States
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product information
Description: The Vapor Guardian 5500 is the flagship product in our remote monitoring line, and it includes dynamic controls for up to 10 systems, to respond to environmental variables and extremes to minimize electricity consumption. A website portal for authorized use and management is available to our clients 24/7/365.
Environmental Statement: When an active system is needed (ie: retrofitting an existing building for vapor intrusion remediation), this product minimizes energy consumption and reduces your carbon footprint. Additionally, after an initial investment, the cost of use over time is significantly less than installing blowers that default to running at max capacity, all the time.
Clean Vapor
Address: 148 Route 94 P.O. Box 688 , Blairstown, NJ 07825, United States Website: Awards