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Categories: Metal Shingles Metal Shingles - Hide
1230 Railroad Street
United States
product information
Description: DECRA Shake offers the beauty and richness of cedar shake, while providing the durability and longevity of stone coated steel. Used in new construction and renovation applications, it is installed on battens which increases the energy efficiency of the metal product. Unlike cedar shakes, DECRA Shake has a Class A fire rating and a 50-year warranty.
Environmental Statement: DECRA products contain upwards of 25% post consumer recycled steel, have a life cycle of more than 50 years, are easy to maintain, and can reduce energy costs. In some situations, DECRA panels can be installed over the existing roofing material, thereby diverting materials from landfills. And, they are compatible with solar and rain-catch systems.
DECRA Roofing Systems
Address: 1230 Railroad Street, Corona, CA 92882, United States Website: http://www.decra.comCertifications/ Awards
- EA Credit 1 - Optimize Energy Performance
- EA Credit 2 - On-Site Renewable Energy
- MR Credit 2 - Construction Waste Management