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Zero Net UC3500 - Unitized Curtain Wall

Zero Net UC3500 - Unitized Curtain Wall
Categories: Metal-Framed Curtain Wall Metal-Framed Curtain Wall - Hide
8300 Highland Dr
United States
product information
Description: Zero Net Unitized Curtain wall- assembled U-Factor of 0.29 - Glass- 1″ IGU w/ COG U-Factor = 0.24 Uses patent protected fiberglass thermal barrier. Is available in any combination of captured or structurally glazed. The 4-sided captured system allows for more exterior design options with covers due to the high level of thermal performance.
Environmental Statement: Unmatched thermal performance eliminates thermal energy loss (thermal break) allowing for reduced carbon emissions. Our product allows a building owner to eliminate perimeter heating or cooling, reduce initial and ongoing HVAC costs which allows the building to perform at the best of it's ability.
FreMarq Innovations
Address: 1101 N Mill Street, Merrill, WI 54452, United StatesCertifications/ Awards
- EA Credit 1 - Optimize Energy Performance
- IEQ Credit 2 - Occupant Comfort
- IEQ Credit 7 - Thermal Comfort Design
- Innovation and Design Credit 1 - Innovation in Design
- MR Credit 4 - Recycled Content