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Portable Gasification Woodstove

Portable Gasification Woodstove
Categories: Geothermal and Hydronic Piping Geothermal and Hydronic Piping - Hide
12 Corral Drive
New York
United States
product information
Description: Made in the USA gasification woodburing stove. This unit can burn for up to 8 hours. Though built to fit in small spaces, it is a powerhouse and can heat well insulated areas with larger square footage. Never be without heat. 56 pounds for easy portability to various locations. Full 5 year warranty. Can produce electricity and hot water as well.
Environmental Statement: Gasification technology burns wood and the gases released from the wood in a secondary burning obtaining very high efficienicies. Stove produces a mere 3.2 grams per hour particulate. Compare that to the 7.5 grams per hour allowed by the EPA for non-catalytic wood stoves, and 4.1 grams per hour for catalytic wood stoves.
Friedman Associates (Craftstrom) Trend Mania (South Africa Office)
Address: 91 West Salori Court, Webster, NY , NY 14580, United States Website: http://www.craftstrom.comCertifications/ Awards