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Solar food dryer

Solar food dryer
Brand Name: Friedman Associates
Categories: Foodservice Equipment Foodservice Equipment - Hide
12 Corral Drive
product information
Description: Our solar food dryers provide healthy preserved foods with no chemicals nor the use of fossil fuels. The fruits, vegetables, herbs, flowers, fish, and meats processed with our solar dryers has spectacular color, vitamin, and mineral retention. It is not comparable to other dried products. It is simple a superior product.
Environmental Statement: Grow your own food and preserve it yourself with no chemicals and no fuels. We offer 3 sizes. 1. Small backyard gardener or nonprofit community development sized model. 2. Small market gardens and farmers. 3. Commercial scale producers.
Friedman Associates (Craftstrom) Trend Mania (South Africa Office)
Address: 91 West Salori Court, Webster, NY , NY 14580, United States Website: http://www.craftstrom.comCertifications/ Awards