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Tiny dwellings

Tiny dwellings
Brand Name: Structures
Categories: Modular Homes Modular Homes - Hide
12 Corral Drive
United States
product information
Description: Superinsulated tiny house kits complete with kitchen, bathrooms, solar. 100, 200, 250 square feet and custom designs. Not only do tiny houses address a cultural shift to living big through small footprints but it also keeps people way out of debt compared to traditional housing costs.
Environmental Statement: Tiny houses are being built with recyclable material and can easily be off grid via solar energy. They minimize human impact on the planet.
Friedman Associates (Craftstrom) Trend Mania (South Africa Office)
Address: 91 West Salori Court, Webster, NY , NY 14580, United States Website: http://www.craftstrom.comCertifications/ Awards