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Under foundation Electric Radiant Heat

Under foundation Electric Radiant Heat
Categories: Underfloor Heating and Air Conditioning Systems Underfloor Heating and Air Conditioning Systems - Hide
12 Corral Drive
New Brunswick
product information
Description: The under foundation system uses the physics of radiant heat to charge the masonry and fill. Once charged, radiant heat travels to cooler locations in the dwelling or office. This surprising technology is proven over and over again with expert engineering. Purchase off peak electric to charge the foundation. Heats when it is needed. No dusty air.
Environmental Statement: Minimal materials required. Uses the laws of physics to heat environments only when necessary. No venting or wasting heat energy. The heating charge to the foundation can last 3-4 days even if the power goes out keeping people and things warm and comfortable.
Friedman Associates (Craftstrom) Trend Mania (South Africa Office)
Address: 91 West Salori Court, Webster, NY , NY 14580, United States Website: http://www.craftstrom.comCertifications/ Awards