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VCT Armour and Primer

VCT Armour and Primer
Brand Name: Truanano
Categories: Other Other - Hide
12 Corral Drive
United States
product information
Description: TruNano™ VCT Armor is a coating designed to protect VCT flooring from stains, scuff marks, traffic wear and abrasion. TruNano™ VCT Armor creates a hard, glossy barrier that elimates the need for ongoing stripping and waxing and of the surface, reducing maintenance and prolonging the life of the flooring. 3-5 years with proper maintenance.
Environmental Statement: PROP 65 TruNano™ VCT Armor contains no known carcinogens under Proposition 65, California’s Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act of 1986. SCAQMD TruNano™ VCT Armor contains less than 100 g/L VOC and exceeds SCAQMD Rule 1113 requirements, the highest air quality control standards in the country.
Friedman Associates (Craftstrom) Trend Mania (South Africa Office)
Address: 91 West Salori Court, Webster, NY , NY 14580, United States Website: http://www.craftstrom.comCertifications/ Awards