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Mrs. Meyer's Liquid Dish Soap Lemon Verbana Scent

Mrs. Meyer's Liquid Dish Soap Lemon Verbana Scent
Brand Name: Mrs. Meyer's Clean Day
Categories: Dishwashing Cleaners Dishwashing Cleaners - Hide
14056 US Rt. 11
Adams Center
United States
product information
Description: A squirt or two in a sink full of warm water cuts grease and keeps dishes clean and bright. Mrs. Meyer's essential oils not only have naturally occurring, hard-working--yet gentle--cleaning agents, they also provide a special, singular fragrance for your entire home.
Environmental Statement: Scent- and dye-free. Has naturally occurring, hard-working cleaning agents, the scent-free formula is gentle on sensitive noses, but still tough as ever on dirt and grime. Cruelty-Free Biodegradable Recyclable packaging.
Green Thyme, LLC
Address: 14056 US Rt. 11, Adams Center, NY 13606, United States Website: http://www.greenthyme.netRatings Summary
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Smell great and works really well! A little goes a long way.
Rated by Green Thyme, LLC // Company Rep [10/06/2009]
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