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Prefinished Paneling
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Prefinished Paneling
Brand Name: Prefinished Paneling
Categories: Prefinished Paneling Prefinished Paneling - Hide
932 Lower Ferry Road
West Trenton
New Jersey
United States
Homasote Company
Address: 932 Lower Ferry Road, West Trenton, NJ 08628, United States Website: Summary
Average Overall Rating
Out of 10
1 review(s)

Certifications/ Awards
Overall Rating
0 vote(s)
Homasote panels are an amazing, beautiful, totally green wall and ceiling panel. And they are one of the original (always were 'green') environmentally responsible companies.
Rated by mlRobles [02/01/2010]
Detailed Ratings

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Overall avg. out of 1 reviews
Additional Comments
Raw materials: recycled - post consumer - newsprint
Raw materials: the manufacturing process has won some of the early environmental awards
Installation/Application: easy to install as they come in industry standard 4x8 size, easy to cut and screw in place, easy to sand joints to blend the seams.
Quality/Durability: the newsprint provides a soft and mottled appearance and feel, you can sand for a suede like finish (they also come pre-sanded), clear seal or pigment. easy to replace and can be composted!
Toxicity: ZERO emissions
Resource Recovery: 100% reclaimed post consumer newsprint
Corporate Policies: check out their story on their web site - true unsung heroes
First Costs/Price: given that the material itself is the finish as well as panel, it is a reasonable cost.
Lifecycle Costs: i haven't seen an actual LCA, but i imagine this product has a good environmental footprint if you think of cost as being economy and environment.