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LED Exit Signs

LED Exit Signs
Brand Name: Dual-Lite
Categories: Emergency Lighting Emergency Lighting - Hide
701 Millennium Boulevard
product information
Description: UL listed indoor or outdoor exit signs with traditional "back-lit" or modern "edge-lite" EXIT legend illumination. Available in AC only or emergency battery back-up configuration. Red or green letters to meet local code requirements. Thermoplastic, die-cast or formed aluminum or steel construction.
Environmental Statement: LEDs are much more energy efficient than incandescent or fluorescent illumination sources. Total power consupmtion for most LED exi tsigns is 2.5 watts or less for single-face signs, 5 watts or less for double face signs.
Hubbell Lighting, Inc.
Address: 701 Millennium Boulevard, Greenville, SC 29607, United States Website: http://www.hubbelllighting.comCertifications/ Awards
- EA Prerequisite 2 - Minimum Energy Performance