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Categories: Glass Countertops Glass Countertops - Hide
63 Flushing Ave.,Unit 283, Bldg. 12
New York
United States
product information
Description: IceStone durable surfaces are made from 100% recycled glass in a cement matrix. IceStone surfaces are a sustainable alternative to mined stone. IceStone can be installed as kitchen countertops, bathrooms, shower walls, table tops, bar tops, conference tables, or in any application you would see mined stone.
Environmental Statement: IceStone durable surfaces use recycled glass and cement from the United States. We actively divert glass from the waste stream to create a high-end product. Our factory has day-lighting, a zero waste initiative, state of the art water recycling, and a host of social policies that creates a culture of inclusion.
IceStone, LLC
Address: 63 Flushing Ave.,Unit 283, Bldg. 12, Brooklyn, NY 11025, United States Website: http://www.icestoneusa.comCertifications/ Awards
- IEQ Credit 4 - Low-Emitting Materials
- Innovation and Design Credit 1 - Innovation in Design
- MR Credit 4 - Recycled Content