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YORK Flexsys

YORK Flexsys
Brand Name: York Flexsys
Categories: Underfloor Heating and Air Conditioning Systems Underfloor Heating and Air Conditioning Systems - Hide
507 E. Michigan Street
United States
product information
Description: Underfloor heating and AC system designed to work with raised floors, includes supply units, vents, diffusers and design documentation. For commercial and institutional spaces desiring better comfort and less energy use where raised floors may also benefit IT networks, power, phone and regular space reconfiguration.
Environmental Statement: Raised floor heating and AC reduces materials needed for construction and provides a more comportable space with lower energy costs since air does not need to be heated and cooled as much to maintain comfort. In conjunction with Personal Environments the systems can provide users with a controlled cubicle environment that they control.
Johnson Controls
Address: 507 E. Michigan Street, Milwaukee, WI 53202, United States Website: Awards