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Fiberglass Framed Windows
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Fiberglass Framed Windows
Brand Name: Fiberglass Framed Windows
Categories: Fiberglass Windows Fiberglass Windows - Hide
401 States Ave.
United States
Marvin Windows and Doors
Address: 401 States Ave., Warroad, MN 56763, United States Website: http://www.marvin.comRatings Summary
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Out of 10
2 review(s)

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My green remodeling company has installed Wood -Ultrex casement windows and sliding and french doors with success, We have been very pleased with these products. However we encountered a serious debacle on our largest project to date when we tried the all ultrex double hung units made in 2009. view more + My green remodeling company has installed Wood -Ultrex casement windows and sliding and french doors with success, We have been very pleased with these products. However we encountered a serious debacle on our largest project to date when we tried the all ultrex double hung units made in 2009. It turned out that the units were not sufficiently rigid for conventional installation practices to succeed. In a blower door test many of the 21 double hung window units whistled from excessive air infiltration. The Marvin representatives have made some efforts to improve the situation. view less -
Rated by Green Home Carpentry & Design // Sustainable Remodeling Professional [01/30/2010]
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