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American Wind

American Wind
Categories: Grid-Source Renewable Energy Credits Grid-Source Renewable Energy Credits - Hide
2500 55th St.
United States
product information
Description: American Wind, our signature portfolio, supports wind farms across the U.S. These Renewable Energy Credits (RECS) are often sourced from wind farms located in rural areas, supplementing agricultural incomes and promoting local development. Small-scale distributed wind facilities are also supported, promoting a diversified energy infrastructure.
Environmental Statement: American Wind allows companies to offset their electricity emissions with an established, credible, cost-effective product that provides significant support for wind energy development. American Wind is certified by Green-e Energy®, the nation’s leading third-party renewable energy auditor.
Renewable Choice Energy
Address: 2500 55th St., Boulder, CO 80301, United States Website: http://www.renewablechoice.comCertifications/ Awards
- EA Credit 6 - Green Power