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StegoHome Below-Slab Vapor Protection

StegoHome Below-Slab Vapor Protection
Brand Name: StegoHome
Categories: Concrete Accessories Concrete Accessories - Hide
216 Avenida Fabricante, #101
San Clemente
United States
product information
Description: StegoHome below-slab vapor protection is designed to provide unmatched protection for the underside of new homes. An extremely low permeance to vapor, as well as exceptional durability and longevity makes StegoHome an important component to a home’s envelope in all climates and geographic locations given the natural movement of sub-slab vapor.
Environmental Statement: StegoHome is a permanent envelope solution that contributes to a healthy, efficient, and sustainable new home. It is specifically designed to stop the transmission of soil vapor, including moisture and radon gas, which can impact human health and lead to impactful and costly failures. StegoHome comes in a roll size suited to reduce waste.
Stego Industries, LLC
Address: 216 Avenida Fabricante, #101, San Clemente, CA 92672, United States Website: http://www.stegoindustries.comCertifications/ Awards