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JSC Series Gas Tankless Water Heaters
JSC Series Gas Tankless Water Heaters
Brand Name: Sylvan
Categories: Fuel-Fired Water Heaters Fuel-Fired Water Heaters - Hide
2603 Marsh Glen Drive
North Myrtle Beach
United States
product information
Description: Rendered in modern sleek design with stainless steel casing, the Sylvan Advanced gas tankless water heater will be turning heads while providing endless hot water. With double heat exchangers and condensing technology, the Sylvan tankless water heaters boast energy efficiency of 99.6%, the JSC series is an excellent way to reduce your energy costs.
Environmental Statement: The JSC Sylvan tankless water heaters use a proprietary condensing technology in the heat exchanger system to give world class energy efficiency, while reducing the space required for this commonly bulky houshold appliance. Sylvan gas tankless water heaters save money, reduce energy usage and have zero carbon emmissions.
Sylvan Inc.
Address: 2603 Marsh Glen Drive, North Myrtle Beach, SC 29582, United States Website: Awards