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Brand Name: Trex
Categories: Composite Decking Composite Decking - Hide
160 Exeter Dr.
United States
Trex Company, Inc.
Address: 160 Exeter Dr., Winchester, VA 22603, United States Website: http://www.trex.comRatings Summary
Average Overall Rating
Out of 10
1 review(s)

Certifications/ Awards
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0 vote(s)
We recommend this product as an excellent alternative to wood for exterior and decking applications. This refers to the standard trex items and the brasilia items. view more + We recommend this product as an excellent alternative to wood for exterior and decking applications. This refers to the standard trex items and the brasilia items. We do not recommend the newer railing systems that are coated or cased in PVC vinyl because of the well known environmental drawbacks of vinyl. I have seen trex decks installed over 20 tears ago that are still serviceable though the surface has become slightly rough and this is in spite of improper application by the early adopters who failed to allow the recommended spacing between boards and placed them in continuous contact. view less -
Rated by Green Home Carpentry & Design // Sustainable Remodeling Professional [01/30/2010]
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Overall avg. out of 1 reviews