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Brand Name: Eco-Optiloc
Categories: Porous Pavement Porous Pavement - Hide
4362 Northlake Blvd., Ste. 204
Palm Beach Gardens
United States
product information
Description: Eco-Optiloc permeable pavers feature a patented L-shape with interlocking spacers that provide superior structural stability under vehicular loading and withstand wheel turning movement without surface degradation. It is particularly suited to trafficked applications such as parking lots, alleyways, and other large-scale projects.
Environmental Statement: Eco-Optiloc permeable pavers reduce stormwater runoff through on-site infiltration. Reduces stormwater volumes, peak flows, mitigates pollutants and reduces heat-island effects. Saves money by combining pavement with detention in one system and reduces impacts on combined sewer/storm systems. Infiltration is maintained by street sweeping/vacuuming.
UNI-Group U.S.A.
Address: 4362 Northlake Blvd., Ste. 204, Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410, United States Website: Awards
- Innovation and Design Credit 1 - Innovation in Design
- MR Credit 4 - Recycled Content
- MR Credit 5 - Local/Regional Materials
- SS Credit 2 - Building Exterior and Hardscape Management Plan
- SS Credit 6 - Stormwater Design
- SS Credit 7 - Heat Island Effect
- Sustainable Sites Initative