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Brand Name: Eco-Priora
Categories: Porous Pavement Porous Pavement - Hide
4362 Northlake Blvd., Ste. 204
Palm Beach Gardens
United States
product information
Description: Eco-Priora permeable pavers feature patented interlocking spacers that provide superior structural stability under vehicular loading and withstand wheel turning movement without surface degradation. Eco-Priora can be manufactured in rectangle or square shapes and may be used in combination to create patterns and designs.
Environmental Statement: Eco-Priora permeable pavers reduce stormwater runoff through on-site infiltration. Reduces stormwater volumes, peak flows, mitigates pollutants, and reduces heat-island effects. Saves money by combining pavement with detention in one system and reduces impacts on combined sewer/storm systems. Infiltration is maintained by street sweeping/vacuuming.
UNI-Group U.S.A.
Address: 4362 Northlake Blvd., Ste. 204, Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410, United States Website: Awards
- MR Credit 4 - Recycled Content
- MR Credit 5 - Local/Regional Materials
- SS Credit 2 - Building Exterior and Hardscape Management Plan
- SS Credit 6 - Stormwater Design
- SS Credit 7 - Heat Island Effect
- Sustainable Sites Initative