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Bamboo Plywood, Panels and Veneers

Bamboo Plywood, Panels and Veneers
Categories: Wood Veneer Wood Veneer - Hide
10189 McDonald Park Rd.
British Columbia
V8L 5X5
product information
Description: Solid bamboo panels, plywood and veneers in multiple sizes and thicknesses. Horizontal or Vertail Grain patterns.
Environmental Statement: Being the fastest growing plant on earth, Bamboo does not require replanting. New growth occurs from the existing root structure which also helps prevent soil erosion. Bamboo yields up to twenty times more material than wood, with a single root structure producing nearly 200 poles in the time it takes one hardwood tree to reach maturity.
West Wind Hardwood, Inc.
Address: P.O. Box 2205, Sidney, BC V8L 3S8, Canada Website: http://www.westwindhardwood.comCertifications/ Awards
- IEQ Credit 4 - Low-Emitting Materials
- MR Credit 6 - Rapidly Renewable Materials