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Structural Insulated Panels SIPs
Structural Insulated Panels SIPs
Brand Name: Murus Structural Insulated Panels SIPs
Categories: General Requirements General Requirements - Hide
PO Box 146
New Hampshire
United States
product information
Description: NH distributor for Murus SIPs which are a highly energy efficient alternative building material that is superior to 2x stud and fiberglass batt construction for exterior wall, roof, and floor applications. Buy just the SIP panels, weather tight shell, or turn key design/ build services available.
Environmental Statement: ENERGY STAR, energy efficiency, a healthy living environment, design flexibility, fast installation - these are just some of the rewards for building with Murus SIPs - a better way to build for a better way to live.
Zetland Homes LLC
Address: PO Box 146, Hopkinton, NH 03229, United States Website: http://www.ZetlandHomes.comCertifications/ Awards
- EA Prerequisite 2 - Minimum Energy Performance
- EA Credit 1 - Optimize Energy Performance
- IEQ Prerequisite 1 - Minimum IAQ Performance