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Boston Society of Architects
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Boston Society of Architects
Solar Mysteries - Solved! Why do Some PV Systems Perform Better Than Others? PH Mass April 11, 2017 6:30 to 8 PM @ BSA Boston Luke McKneally, Architect and Passive House consultant Some PV projects perform better than others despite similar parameters including wattage, orientation, tilt and equipment. Why? Now we should all be familiar with the benefits that solar electricity can provide for us. It's time to work on optimizing each...
By Boston Society of Architects Event Date: 04/11/2017 + Show |
This session will explore how passive house adoption is transforming the design and construction industry in Massachusetts—and how you can stay ahead in this rapidly evolving landscape. Join Paul Ormond from the Department of Energy Resources as he provides essential updates and guidance on Massachusetts’ energy codes, including: An overview of Specialized and Stretch Code adoption and what’s next in the...
By Allison Friedman // Rate It Green Admin Event Date: 02/11/2025 + Show |
Matter & Opinion: Existing Buildings Higher Ed Arts Education, August 30, 12-1:30pm
"Build the will" around adaptive reuse for performing arts and education spaces! Join a presentation and interactive discussion with designer-and-client teams about transforming existing buildings to host performances, arts education, and creative collaboration. The Matter & Opinion: Existing Buildings series will begin by addressing the first hurdle to embracing existing buildings as climate solutions: building the...
By Allison Friedman // Rate It Green Admin Event Date: 08/30/2021 + Show |
Matter & Opinion: Existing Buildings - Multifamily Housing, August 26, 12-1:30pm
"Build the will" around multifamily existing building work! Join a presentation and interactive discussion with designer-and-client teams about senior living and affordable housing. The Matter & Opinion: Existing Buildings series will begin by addressing the first hurdle to embracing existing buildings as climate solutions: building the will. Video Archive: View past sessions here. This page will be updated after each...
By Allison Friedman // Rate It Green Admin Event Date: 08/26/2021 + Show |
Matter & Opinion: Existing Buildings - Residential Design, August 23, 12-1:30pm
"Build the will" around smart and sustainable renovation of single-family homes. Boston cannot meet its climate goals without utilizing its greatest built and cultural assets: existing buildings. With aims to become carbon-free by 2050—and with 85 percent of floorspace that Boston will need in 2050 already built—we must recognize and leverage existing buildings for what they are: banks of embodied carbon and...
By Allison Friedman // Rate It Green Admin Event Date: 08/23/2021 + Show |