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ETemplate Systems

ETemplate Systems
Company Type: Manufacturer, Retailer
Industry: Architecture, Cabinetry, Carpentry + Show Architecture, Cabinetry, Carpentry, General, Construction - Commercial and Heavy Construction, Construction - Residential Construction, Consulting - Green Building, Doors and Windows, Drywall and Ceiling Tile, Interior Design and Decorating, Landscape Design, Marble and Tile - Hide
Market Scope: International
Company Information
Description: Tri-Tech Solutions, Inc. is a technology company that specializes in developing and marketing precision digital measuring solutions. ETemplate Systems, a division of Tri-Tech, developed and markets a photography based precision digital measuring system for the as-built construction industry. It is the most advanced and accurate digital field meas…
Environmental Statement: Our mission is to provide the most comprehensive, flexible and environmentally friendly digital measuring tools to eliminate wasteful use of our natural resources by allowing our users to measure, fabricate, and install it right the first time.