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One Click LCA
One Click LCA
Company Type: Service Provider
Industry: Consulting - Green Building, Green Building - For Profit, Manufacturing - Industrial + Show Consulting - Green Building, Green Building - For Profit, Manufacturing - Industrial, Other, Other Green Building - Hide
Market Scope: International
Company Information
Description: One Click LCA is the Building Life Cycle Metrics software that allows you to calculate LCA, LCC, and other environmental impacts in a matter of minutes. One Click LCA can be used for Ecodesign & Green Building credits, it's the highest rated LCA software for BREEAM, compliant with more than 40 other Green Building schemes, including LEED.
Environmental Statement: Our Environmental policies include: no meat at company events or company-sponsored work lunch/dinner, use of oat milk instead of cow milk in our offices and events, reduction of electronic waste, reduction of paper use, incentives for public transportation, use of chargeable devices.
- EN 15804
- ISO 21930
- ISO 21931
- ISO 21929-1
- Energy Globe Award
- I love this approach… To make LCA as easy as possible
- One Click LCA is very intuitive, has a large materials database and fast support. I’d definitely recommend it, and we are looking forward to using it
- I have been working with One Click LCA for about 6 months: it is easy to learn and user-friendly. I would recommend this tool for every future user.
- One Click LCA allowed us to deliver an LCA in a schedule we could otherwise hardly have met. The tool is very flexible, standards-compliant and has a
- Incorporating One Click LCA as a tool in the building design stage has helped us evaluate, prioritize and optimize our efforts in reducing the lifetim