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Power Community Development Systems Inc.

Power Community Development Systems Inc.
Company Information
Description: Our homes are resistant to mold, mildew, water, fires, termites, insects, pests, hurricanes, tornadoes and earthquakes. Each can be outfitted with our solar panels, LED lighting, LiFi technology and Net-Zero energy. They contain sustainable materials that will help you save money and go green. You can tell us about the design of your dream home
Environmental Statement: Our mission is to promote free enterprise wholistic, accelerated, entrepreneurial, ownership and lead the way in powering peak purpose communities with green, sustainable, ecofficient revitalization and job creation for everyone.
Webinar: Innovative Green Stronger Steel Frame- Fire & Earthquake Resistant Homes, July 10, 2 pm EDT
A Conference call for Landowners, Home Contractors, Home Developers, Architects, Engineers, Financial Advisors, Realtors Investors, Homeowners or anyone who wants to build green affordable homes and commercial projects. These homes are: - fire-resistant, termites resistant, and mold resistant. - rapidly installed, cost effective, home energy efficient This webinar can help you to build your own affordable, stronger...
By Power Community Development Systems Inc. Event Date: 07/10/2021 + Show |
Calling all landowners, home contractors, home developers, architects, engineers, financial advisors, realtors, investors, home-owners and anyome who wants to build their own green affordable homes! Learn how to build a home strong enough to protect you and your family from earthquakes, hurricanes and fires. These homes are fire-resistant, termite-resistant, and mold resistant. They are also rapidly installed, cost-effective, and home...
By Power Community Development Systems Inc. Event Date: 01/09/2021 + Show |
FREE Webinar: Green affordable Home Fire & Earthquake Resistant, September 12, 2-3:30 pm EDT
You are invited to attend a FREE webinar for all Landowners, Home Contractors, Home Developers, Architects, Engineers, Financial Advisors, Realtors, Investors, Homeowners or people who want to build your own green affordable homes and commercial projects. Our homes are strong enough to protect you and your family from earthquakes, hurricanes and fire. Our homes are fire-resistant, termite resistant, and mold resistant. Our homes are...
By Power Community Development Systems Inc. Event Date: 09/12/2020 + Show |
FREE Webinar: Green Affordable Home, Fire, & Earthquake Resistant, August 8, 2 pm EDT
All landowners, home contractors, home developers, architects, engineers, financial advisors, realtors, investors, homeowners: this webinar is for you! Learn how to build homes that are strong enough to protect you and your family from earthquakes, hurricanes and fire. These homes are also rapidly installed, cost effective, and home energy efficient. We can help you or your client to build their own affordable, strong home or commercial...
By Power Community Development Systems Inc. Event Date: 08/08/2020 + Show |
FREE Webinar: Green affordable Home Fire & Earthquake Resistant, July 11, 2pm EDT
A Conference call for Landowners, Home Contractors , Home Developers, Architect , Engineer, Financial Advisor ,Realtors , Investors, Homeowners or anyone who wants to build green affordable homes and commercial projects. These homes are: - fire-resistant, termites resistant, and mold resistant. - rapidly installed, cost effective, home energy efficient This webinar can help you to build your own affordable, stronger home and...
By Power Community Development Systems Inc. Event Date: 07/11/2020 + Show |