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SPEER (South-Central Partnership for Energy Efficiency as a Resource)

Company Information
Description: A non-profit energy efficiency organization with the goal of advancing the understanding and adoption of energy efficiency as a low-cost energy resource, and to design, implement, coordinate, and support regional projects to promote high energy performance and clean distributed energy in the built environment.
Building Operator Certification: Smart Buildings Need Smart Operators
Did you know most buildings can cut total energy use by 5-30% while fully maintaining or improving both comfort and function? The national Building Operator Certification® (BOC) Program is the leading training and certification program for building engineers and maintenance personnel. BOC graduates make their buildings more comfortable, efficient and environmentally friendly, thanks to skills they learn and behavioral changes they master...
By SPEER (South-Central Partnership for Energy Efficiency as a Resource) Last updated: 02/27/2019 + Show |
SPEER Clean Energy Exchange, April 8-9, Austin, Texas
CEE19 is the premier energy efficiency event for Texas & Oklahoma. We will be hosting Katharine Hayhoe and Jeff Butler as this year's keynotes. In addition to excellent keynote presentations, our format includes breakout sessions for deeper dives into many efficiency topic areas such as, utility programs, building energy codes, financing, distributed generation, efficiency in electric markets, demand response, local government initiatives and...
By SPEER (South-Central Partnership for Energy Efficiency as a Resource) Event Date: 04/08/2019 + Show |