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United States Department of Energy (DOE)
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United States Department of Energy (DOE)
Phone: (202) 586-5000
1000 Independence Ave., SW
District Of Columbia , 20585
United States
Map LocationCompany Type: Government Department or Agency (Federal, State or Local)
Services (2)
Service Name | Category | # Reviews | Average Rating |
Zero Energy Ready Home | Whole Building Certifications | 0 | N/A |
Better Buildings Initiative - Green Building and Energy Training (Online) | Training and Development Programs, Workshops, Energy Efficiency and Electrification Learning, Green Building Courses | 0 | N/A |
Symbolic historic buildings and legacy systems pose unique challenges for organizations aiming to reduce buildings' energy footprints while potentially adhering to preservation requirements. This webinar will explore innovative approaches to improving efficiencies, safety, comfort, and resilience in historic buildings while maintaining unique architectural and cultural legacies.
By Shivani // Social Media Manager Event Date: 02/25/2025 |
Better Plants Energy Bootcamp, February 24-28, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Knoxville, Tennessee
The U.S. Department of Energy’s Better Plants Program and Oak Ridge National Laboratory are offering Better Plants Bootcamps to drive decarbonization and strengthen energy management practices within US companies. The Bootcamps were created to educate attendees on the key aspects of industrial decarbonization and energy efficiency. The events offer participants opportunities for extensive, hands-on learning, networking...
By Shivani // Social Media Manager Event Date: 02/24/2025 + Show |
Reclaimed water offers a wide range of applications, but overtreating water can lead to wasted energy and increased costs. Hear from Better Buildings Initiative partners who have successfully implemented a fit-for-purpose approach in their water reuse projects. Better Buildings is an initiative of the U.S. Department of Energy.
By Allison Friedman // Rate It Green Admin Event Date: 02/21/2025 |
As the airtightness of homes improves to meet energy efficiency goals, it becomes more important for mechanical ventilation systems to help maintain a comfortable and healthy indoor air environment. In this Better Buildings Residential Network Peer Exchange, hear new research insights, including the impact homeowner behavior had on the effectiveness of mechanical ventilation systems and the variability across different regions of the United...
By Shivani // Social Media Manager Event Date: 02/13/2025 + Show |