
    APEC-ASEAN Conference on Green Building, September 11-13, Singapore

  • 11 September 2018 To 13 September 2018
  • Event Host : APEC, ASEAN
  • Event Location : Academy of the Built Environment, No. 200 Braddell Road, Singapore
APEC-ASEAN Conference on Green Building
Event Description

On September 11-13, 2011, the Republic of Singapore is hosting a joint Asia Pacific Economic
Cooperation and Association of Southeast Asian Nations conference on Green Building entitled “Green
Buildings and Green Growth: Approaches to Encouraging a Positive Green Building Climate.” Bringing
together 24 economies and up to 150 participants from the Asia-Pacific region, this joint APEC-ASEAN
effort to promote sustainable building practices illustrates strength of their partnership. Since the
establishment of APEC in 1989 by 12 Pacific Rim economies, five of which were also founding members
of ASEAN, the two organizations have worked towards a common goal of sustainable economic growth
for the Asia-Pacific region through the promotion of free trade and increased economic integration. In
light of the tremendous growth in the region in recent years, APEC and ASEAN have renewed their focus
on sustainability by pursuing green building initiatives to ensure the continued prosperity of the AsiaPacific
This year, APEC and ASEAN members will meet in Singapore at the Singapore Building and Construction
Authority to discuss the future of sustainable building in the region. On the margins of the International
Green Building Conference 2011, , this conference will provide a forum for public and
private sector stakeholders from 24 economies to discuss the opportunities and challenges associated
with green building in the Asia-Pacific region, their individual experiences with the development and
implementation of sustainable building standards and efforts to promote sustainable building practices
across the entire Asia-Pacific region. Workshop delegates are encouraged to take part in a wider
discussion of these themes at International Green Building Week events.
Please join us in Singapore for the discussion on September 11-13. Attached are the conference agenda
and registration materials. Seating for participants is limited and registration will be accepted on a first
come, first served basis. Workshop delegates are eligible for reduced registration fees for the
International Green Building Conference 2011 and are invited to participate in the Asia Policy Network
meeting and exhibition on September 14 at no additional cost. The deadline for registration is July 30,

  • Host Company/Organization Name
  • Event type
    • Conference

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