
    Event: Offshore Wind Energy - a New Frontier for Massachusetts, February 8, 5 - 7PM, Northampton

  • 08 Feb 2017
Event: Offshore Wind Energy - a New Frontier for Massachusetts, February 8, 5 - 7PM, Northampton
Event Description

Western Mass Green Consortium Event
Wednesday, February 8, 5 - 7PM

Platform Sports Bar,
125A Pleasant Street, Northampton.

You are invited to join the Western Mass Green Consortium at the upcoming Green Night discussing Off Shore Wind Energy. The event is open to the public, donations welcome.
From 5:00-5:30 grab a drink or order food and chat with others. At 5:30 it’s time to share news, events and make your announcements. The featured presentation begins at 6:00 with Q & A following. At 7:00 we move into the bar where energy is high and we continue with conversations, networking and more food and drink.

Dr. Jim Manwell, Director of UMASS Wind Energy Center updates us on this burgeoning renewable energy in New England.
Gov. Baker’s recent signing of legislation to spur the development of 1600 MW of offshore wind energy off the coast of Massachusetts is likely to mark the beginning of a real transformation of the state’s energy supply. This talk will provide an overview of this new technology, from its original conceptualization at UMass Amherst in the 1970s through its first realization in Europe in the last few decades to its re-entry into New England. The talk will conclude with an overview of offshore wind energy’s potential role in a low-carbon future for the region as well contributing to the revitalization of its ports and maritime infrastructure.

For more information, click:

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