
    Free Webinar: Debunking Electrification Myths – Addressing Misconceptions about BE, September 20, 9 - 11 am PT

  • 20 September 2024
  • Start time : 09:00 AM
  • End time : 11:00 AM
  • Event Host : Southern California Edison (SCE)
Free Webinar: Debunking Electrification Myths – Addressing Misconceptions
Event Description

Do many of your clients often have the same questions about electrification, and you’re not sure how to respond? This session will address common misconceptions surrounding building and transportation electrification. We will explore life cycle costs associated with transitioning to electrified buildings, discuss the evolving electric grid, highlight efficient technologies such as heat pumps and electric vehicles, and evaluate environmental impacts relative to fossil-based technologies. Through interactive discussions and evidence-based insights, participants will gain a deeper understanding of the benefits associated with building electrification, enabling them to make better informed choices that promote a sustainable and efficient future.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Identify the key clean energy technologies enabling a zero-net carbon future
  • Address common misconceptions regarding the performance of heat pumps and other electric technologies, their impact on grid infrastructure, and their affordability
  • Describe the efficiencies of electric end-use appliances and vehicles relative to their fossil-fuel combustion counterparts
  • Leverage available incentive programs, tax credits, and rebates supporting the deployment of heat pumps, electric equipment upgrades, and energy efficient appliances

  • Host Company/Organization Name
    • Southern California Edison (SCE)
  • Speakers / Presenters
    • Dave Intner - Licensed Architect, LEED AP and Certified Energy Manager within Southern California Edison’s Codes & Standards team as well as serving on the statewide AIA Committee on the Environment. Dave is a Past President of the AIA Ventura County, a four-year member of the LEED Energy and Atmosphere Technical Advisory Group (EA-TAG), and member of the board of directors of USGBC Los Angeles.
  • Cost
    • FREE Event
  • Event type
    • Online/Webinar

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