
    Free Webinar: Heat Pump Deployment and Electric Construction: A Data-Driven Approach to Building Electrification, August 21, 12-1pm ET

  • 21 August 2024
  • Start time : 12:00 PM
  • End time : 01:00 PM
  • Event Host : GreenHome Institute
Free Webinar: Heat Pump Deployment and Electric Construction: A Data-Driven Approach to Building Electrification, August 21
Event Description

In this session, the speakers will distill insights from the Atlas Buildings Hub tool to provide key takeaways on the state of the electric HVAC environment in the United States. Using clear data visuals, this presentation will seek to answer the following questions based on an analysis of the most recent EIA RECS and CBECS survey data:

1. How many all-electric buildings are there in the United States? Where are they concentrated?
2. What US regions have the largest share of electric heat pumps per capita? Which region is the most reliant on fossil fuels for primary space heating? Which fuels?
3. How many households use electricity for cooking and water heating? Where are people most reliant on gas/fossil fuels for those end uses?
4. Which regions are most reliant on fuel oil and propane for primary space heating? What regions are the most electrified in terms of household HVAC? What has been the change nationally and per region?
5. # Of electrified households, what share of them are equipped with modern heat pumps? What does the electric building stock look like in terms of equipment?

Lessons learned:

Understand the current status and trends of electric building stock in the United States for potential impacts on public health and well-being. Analyze the regional breakdown of the US heating fuel mix to ensure safety and sustainable energy use. Introduce the national distribution of electric heat pumps to promote welfare and environmental sustainability. Articulate the household use of fossil fuels, particularly in the Northeast and Midwest, to address safety concerns and promote cleaner energy alternatives.

  • Host Company/Organization Name
    • GreenHome Institute
  • Speakers / Presenters
    • Stephen Naimoli is a Policy Analyst at Atlas Public Policy where he manages the Buildings Hub and contributes to original research and policy analysis on building and transportation electrification.

      Kat Shok is a Policy Associate at Atlas Public Policy supporting the Water Portal and Buildings Hub. Before joining Atlas, Kat worked in journalism as a reporter for The Daily Californian and NPR’s San Francisco station, KQED. Previously, Kat spearheaded climate communications for the U.S. Green Chamber of Commerce and was a research assistant for projects about water usage in the Bay Area.
  • Cost
    • FREE Event
  • Event type
    • Online/Webinar

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