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Free Webinar: Repurposing the Shipping Container-a Solution to the Housing Crisis, February 26, 12-1pm ET
Event Description
Shipping containers are being constructed as durable, low-maintenance dwellings from recycled steel shipping containers, lower embodied carbon. They can be meticulously designed to meet diverse needs, including small community housing, short-term rentals, affordable living, and commercial spaces. Imagine structures being factory-built to withstand extreme weather conditions, from strong tornadoes to Cat5 hurricanes and heavy snow loads. Is this one of the solutions to the housing crisis that also includes sustainability?
Lessons Learned:
1. Understand the health benefits of using recycled shipping containers for housing, as they provide low-maintenance dwellings that incorporate sustainable materials, ultimately contributing to better indoor air quality and overall well-being.
2. Analyze the safety features of factory-built shipping container structures, which are designed to endure extreme weather conditions, thereby ensuring the protection of inhabitants against natural disasters.
3. Introduce the concept of welfare through the development of affordable housing solutions using shipping containers, which can address housing shortages and provide secure living conditions for various communities.
4. Articulate the potential of sustainable building practices, such as utilizing shipping containers, to create resilient and adaptable living spaces that enhance community welfare while reducing environmental impact.
With over 18 years of experience in management consulting. Rory shares valuable insights into the growing need for sustainable housing solutions across the US. Discover how SI collaborates with business owners, developers, and local resources to create innovative and eco-friendly solutions tailored to community requirements. Their commitment to "DO GOOD" drives them to partner with organizations focused on social justice and charitable causes related to housing. As the only licensed and certified off-site container builder in Illinois, they will also delve into the history of shipping containers and their transformation into sustainable solutions for contemporary housing and commercial needs.
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