
    Free Webinar: Variable Refrigerant Flow/Volume (VRF/VRV) for Commercial Buildings, September 13, 9-11am PT

  • 13 September 2024
  • Start time : 09:00 AM
  • End time : 11:00 AM
  • Event Host : Pacific Gas & Electric (PE&G)
Free Webinar: Variable Refrigerant Flow/Volume (VRF/VRV) for Commercial Buildings
Event Description

Variable Refrigerant Flow/Volume (VRF/VRV) are building heating and cooling air conditioning systems which utilize refrigerant as the medium of heat transfer and are currently the standard for residential and commercial systems in Asia and Europe. They continue to gain market share in the United States as a reliable, modular, and highly efficient alternative to traditional residential fixed-speed compressor systems and commercial air/water heat transfer systems. Attendees will be provided with an overview of VRF heat pump and heat recovery systems, including a descriptive breakdown of indoor fan coils and outdoor condensers, system accessories and interfacing options for commercial applications. They will cover optimization for selection and basic design of VRV heat recovery and heat pump applications. Attendees will be able to recognize applications, where and when to use, and considerations for optimized installation of VRV systems, components, and accessories.

The objective of this course is that at the conclusion, participants will be able to:

Recognize heat pump vs heat recovery - where and when to use the systems
Recognize outdoor unit application - considerations for optimized installation of the condensing unit
Recognize branch selector boxes - single port vs multi port - optimizing heat recovery design
Recognize system accessories - options available to enhance system application

  • Host Company/Organization Name
    • Pacific Gas & Electric (PE&G)
  • Agenda
    • Introduction and safety message
      Discuss types of VRF systems
      Design applications
      Climate location
      Heat Pump and Heat Recovery
      Outdoor equipment and location
      Branch Boxes
      System Accessories
  • Speakers / Presenters
    • Ed Mendieta

      Ed Mendieta is the Western US and Pacific Region Applications Engineer for Daikin Comfort Technologies and provides applications equipment and controls support for the VRF, Ductless, Light Commercial, and Unitary lines for the Representative sales channel. He has been working with Daikin Comfort Systems since 2019. Prior to Daikin, Ed has related industry experience in various capacities, including building commissioning, LEED consulting, MEP design and plant operations. He enjoys teaching the Introduction to Engineering, Architecture, and Construction course as an adjunct professor at Santa Ana Community College to stay current with teaching trends and to provide the opportunity to connect emerging professionals with industry leaders and best practices. Ed is a licensed mechanical Professional Engineer in the state of CA, LEED Accredited Professional, and Certified Energy Manager. He currently resides in Southern California and has engineering degrees from the CSU Maritime Academy and CSU Sacramento State. He enjoys travelling, brewing beer, playing percussion, and engaging in outdoor activities with his family and friends.
  • Cost
    • FREE Event
  • Event type
    • Online/Webinar

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