
    Sustainability Tour with AIA Long Island - Waste to Energy at Covanta, September 10, 5-6:30 pm, East Northport, NY

  • 10 September 2024
  • Start time : 06:00 PM
  • End time : 06:30 PM
  • Event Host : Covanta
  • Event Location : Reworld™ Huntington, 99 Town Line Rd, East Northport, NY, 11731, United States
Green Building Tour with AIA Long Island- Waste to Energy at Covanta, September 10
Event Description

Modern Waste-to-Energy facilities divert waste from landfills to generate energy from the combustion of municipal solid waste. Waste-to-Energy facilities are designed to convert the waste that remains after recycling into electricity for homes and businesses and/or steam for export to industries.

Waste-to-Energy is a technologically advanced means of waste disposal that is widely recognized for reducing greenhouse gases—particularly methane—by eliminating emissions from landfills. NASA scientists have identified landfills as super-emitters of methane, a greenhouse gas that is 84 times more potent as a climate-warming gas than CO₂. 

The tour will be approximately 1-1.5 hours long. It consists of a discussion on Long Island waste management, recycling and Covanta’s waste-to-energy facility. There is a short video and then walk to a few parts of the facility (industrial facility).

All attendees must readt the Guided Facility Tour Information Sheet in advance, which includes detailed directions and safety instrructions, including notes on appropriate dress for an industrial tour of this nature. 


  • Host Company/Organization Name
    • Covanta
  • Event type
    • Green Building Tour

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